Pastor David is the former full-time minister at FCC, Mt. Vernon prior to taking another church in Springfield. When he left that church and took the position at FCC, Ash Grove, he agreed to become the Youth Minister at FCC, Mt. Vernon on a part-time basis. Pastor David hosts a class on Sunday evenings at 5:30 PM.
Rev. Charles Bahn was welcomed into First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Mt. Vernon on April 3rd, 2022. He has a Divinity degree from Brite Divinity School at Texas Chrisian University in Fort Worth, TX. He is a live-long Disciple and has served congregations in St. Louis, Springfield, Aurora, and participated in mission trips to Mexico and Ecuador. Rev. Bahn is also an accomplished organist and pianist and lives in Aurora, MO.
Administrative Assistant
Sherry Curtis
Sherry started with FCC as the Administrative Assistant on March 9, 2015. Sherry and her husband are Missouri natives. Besides spending lots of time with their children and grandchildren Sherry and her husband have numerous livestock and pets on their farm. Sherry enjoys reading and sewing. She has made many prom, homecoming, and various costumes for her daughter as well as many dresses for weddings. They enjoy going to their grandchildren's ballgames which include baseball, football, and basketball. They also trail ride in their side by side with friends as well as travel the USA. Sherry and her husband attend King's Point Church in Lockwood, MO. We welcome Sherry to our church family!
Nursery Attendant
Kylee Kerr
Kylee attends FCC and has an infant daughter.
Glenda Wampler
Glenda was hired as FCC's custodian on January 17, 2021.Glenda also works at Mercy Hospital in Springfield as a Patient Service Representative and is the custodian at the Hope Center in Mt. Vernon. We are glad Glenda is with us.